Here's your chance. Another "affordable art" event: Arte accessibile.
Now in it's 4th edition, it will be held in...More......
...the "Spazio EventiQuattro" of the newspaper group Il Sole-24 Ore"* in via Monte Rosa, 91, Milan, from the 12th to the 15th of April.
For further info about times and costs: http://www.arteaccessibile.com/en/. Yeah! At least part of it is in English!
To follow my blog on hand-done needlepointing, see "Ars acupicturae - Star's Needlepoint Art," http://arsacupicturaestellae.blogspot.com.
*For those of you who don't speak Italian, the number "24" is pronounced "venti-quattro," so the name of the space "Eventi-Quattro" is a play on their newspaper name.
1 comment:
Thanks for explaining the pun. Very clever.
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