A few ideas to lift your spirits, rest and relax...More......
--May 17-25, Milano Food Week, talks about food, wines and techniques, demonstrations, restaurant appointments and street food (at least this last is in English!) on an Italian-only (sigh) web site with a day-by-day list of activities. Look up a few of your favorite words (wine = vino!), and taste away.
--May 19, Per i corti e cortili, a day of food fun for all the family with visits to working farms complete with furry donkeys and honking geese for the kiddies (and maybe you, too) and 0 kilometer food fun. The site's only in Italian, but click on the itinerary ("14 percorsi") list for place names and addresses.
--May 20-2 June, Taste of Milan, if your a foodie, you're on a roll! (Sorry! Couldn't resist!), and, this time, the web site's also in English.
--May 26, the Palio of Legnano, heard of the famous horse race in the piazza at Siena?, well, there's a similar (costumed!) race in Legnano, a small city near Milan! There is a series of activities starting as early as May 17 that lead up to the Palio, so head to the web site to check out the whole schedule...alas and alack, only in Italian! Tickets for the uncovered observation field ("campo sportivo Giovanni Mari") are E. 10 for adults, E. 5 for kids. If you want to sit in the best seats, the most expensive seats are E. 70 a piece.
There, that ought to keep you busy, at least for a few days!
(N.B., the photo is of food, but I snapped it at the Rho-Pero convention center a few months ago...just to be clear!)
1 comment:
Laurel Evans, "Un'Americana in Cucina" (http://www.unamericanaincucina.com/2013/05/street-food-heroes/) will be in Milan for 'Milano Food Week':
(begin quote)
Venerdì 17 maggio alle 13:00 – Milano – Fate uno salto al Live Kitchen di Milano Food Week in piazza San Babila per conoscere gli altri protagonisti della serie Street Food Heroes. Tutti insieme, cucineremo alcuni piatti ispirati allo street food italiano.
Sabato 18 maggio alle 11:00 – Milano - Sarò di nuovo nella Live Kitchen di San Babila, a cucinare una colazione all’americana con i ragazzi del The Breakfast Review. Fate un salto se siete in zona!
Domenica 26 maggio alle 22:15 - Non mancate la prima puntata di Street Food Heroes in onda di sera su Italia 2!!!
(end quote)
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