Saturday, February 11, 2012

Still snowy and C-O-O-O-O-LD in Milan

The snow of a number of days ago is lingering a lot longer than usual because of the unusual cold (worst winter weather in about 30 years is the televised rumor going around). Going outside feels like stepping into a freezer. Milan has been spared the worst, so I'm really not complaining. Within a few days, the streets and sidewalks were mostly clear, though there's fluffy white (and grungy) stuff piled up on higher surfaces, on the parks and along the road sides.

Here's a gray day snap of the chilly stuff piled on top of some of the information totem poles scattered throughout the Sforza Castle grounds.

May I brag a bit?

I did the English translations for these!


1 comment:

Margaret said...

Brag away! It's finally a little chilly here. I hope it rains soon.

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