Friday, September 14, 2012

Glorious Milan...and a hint for your Sunday

Milan is soooo gorgeous right now! With crisp sunny days and clear blue skies, this early fall weather is my absolute favorite. The sun is still warm enough, unlike feeble early spring, yet the cool air makes everything frizzy.

So, while you're planning your marvelous weekend in Milan...More......(I just checked the CNN weather pages for you, Milan should be just like this all weekend, yeah!), here's a hint: plan to use public transportation on Sunday.

There will be a traffic block from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M.

Instead of complaining about it, as so many Milanese do, why not see it as an opportunity to relax, and enjoy the city, family and friends?!

After all, as Marcus Aurelius would say, "It's only what you make of it!"


(I snapped this photo for your personal non-commercial enjoyment while in the Piazza of the Duomo on the 8th of April around 3 P.M., but the weather is just the same these days, and in the flurry of back-to-work after vacation, I haven't had much walking time with my camera,'s hopin'!)

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