Monday, September 10, 2012

Special FAI visit to Palazzo Cusani

Heads up! Tuesday, the 18th of September at 10:30 A.M., it will be possible to visit Palazzo Cusani--otherwise closed to the general public--with FAI-Fondo Ambiente Italiano.

Here's what my Touring Club Italiano has to say about the mansion:...More......

'The mansion was erected by Giovanni Ruggeri in 1719, and now is the seat for the Terzo Corpo d'Armata [a branch of the military]. The courtyard and grand stairway are in a 17th century style reminiscent of the work of the architect Ricchini. The Neo-Classical façade facing onto the garden is by Giuseppe Piermarini. The mansion contains some important paintings, as well as the allegorical fresco in Tiepolo's style in the Grand Salon. The furniture comes in part from the Royal Palace [in Milan] and the Ca' Morosini in Venice.'

The visit to this building on via Brera 15 will be guided by Barbara Pasolini, and costs E. 25 for non-FAI members / E. 20 for FAI members.

For more information, you may visit the FAI website in English (yeah!):


(Note to self: finally find time to organize your digital snaps better so you actually can FIND what you're looking for)

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