"Here, take my advice...I'm not using it!"
That still makes my (dear) sister and I laugh.
Like many Americans (and probably people, in general), I have a strong impulse to give advice (I like to call it "being helpful").
But being on the receiving end of well-meaning, but unwanted, advice is a whole other can o' worms...More......
So, when I returned a phone message, just now, and got an earful of it, my inner reaction was "snarl" and general evasion of contact with the perpetrator in the immediate future.
And another glimpse into the wisdom of "walk a mile in my shoes" before doing anything, even making small suggestions.
"I need to share this with my blog readers," I said to myself (all five of you), "but what image to chose? I think I'll just browse in my To Sort folders, there's bound to be something."
Halfway through the (many) folders, and I was beginning to be anxious, when this perfect fellow jumped out.
I snapped this photo at the Villa Belgioioso in Milan, a public museum, on the 12th of April, 2006, at 4:45 P.M.
If you want to see the needlepoint version of it, just go to my needlepoint blog: Ars acupicturae stellae - Star's Needlepoint Art (http://arsacupicturaestellae.blogspot.com/2010/10/regal-snarling-lion.html)
P.S., as always with my photos, they're my intellectual property, and so are shared freely with you only for your private delight and edification; for any other use, please contact me, first, for written arrangements, thanks.
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