Friday, January 27, 2012

Photoless Friday

Already Photoless Friday, again, whew!

Run, before it closes on Monday the 30th of this month, the photographic exhibit of the "manimals"...More......

...of Guido Daniele ("manimali" comes from the conjunction of "mani"/hands and "animali"/animals), the body painter who does the extraordinary animals painted on hands, or other kinds of body painting (for example, for the Mueller yoghurt commercial).

The exhibit is in the "Chiostro dei Glicini" (Wisteria Courtyard) of the Società Umanitaria nestled into the Renaissance ex-monastery of S. Maria della Pace on the corner of via Daverio and--where the current entrance is at n. 48--via S. Barnaba, behind the "Tribunale" (Milan's central courthouse).

The exhibit, open "every day" (though one has to be careful in Italy, this often means "except Sunday") from 10 A.M. to 8 P.M., has been mounted to bring to the attention of the public and Umanitaria's students (generally reasonable fees, folks!) the theatrical make-up course that will be offered there, and for which Guido Daniele has promised to teach.

For more information about the course:

Accademia Professionale di Trucco Artistico di Gabriella De Michele
tel. +39.02.579.68.379

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